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Tips To Get Your Spring Cleaning Going

Posted by Paul Withers on

Unlike all GoT fans who feverishly expect the approaching Season 8 with the legendary mantra “Winter is coming”, as a realist and a practical housewife you know that winter is leaving. You know what this means – you better start planning your spring cleaning before it is already summer. Here are three quick tips to get you going:

  1. Do not improvise. Make a list of the chores you want to take care of, starting with the top sanitary priorities. You have two possible options – to separate the hygienic tasks by type (i.e. dusting, polishing, vacuum cleaning, reorganising the home, waste disposal, scrubbing, etc.) or by room (I usually start in the living room and then move clockwise across the other areas).
  2. Do not procrastinate. The quicker you do it, the better. I know spring cleaning takes up a sizeable portion of your time, but the freshness and perfect order, once you finish, is well worth it.
  3. Do not try to do the whole thing in a single day. If you live in a bigger house and you plan to do it on your own, it is too much work for a single day. As I said, better do it room by room – it may take a while, but you will have much more energy left by the end of the whole process.

Or you can always call us to lend a helping hand – your choice!