Home care

How to Keep Your Home Allergen-free: Cleaning Tips for Allergy Sufferers

Posted by Paul Withers on

Do you struggle with allergies and find it tough to keep your home allergen-free? We will explore the common sources of indoor allergens and share cleaning techniques explicitly designed for allergy sufferers.

Let’s walk through everything from crafting a cleaning plan to using eco-friendly products to help you keep those pesky allergens away. We’ll also delve into specific areas to focus on for removing allergens, like the bedroom, kitchen, and bathroom, along with outdoor cleaning tips and ways to manage pets and allergens.

Stick around to discover how to block allergens from sneaking into your home and create a healthier living space for you and your family.

A woman sneezing into a handkerchief

Understanding Allergens At Home

Understanding allergens in your home is essential for keeping your indoor space healthy. Dust mites, pet dander, pollen, and mould are sneaky little troublemakers that can affect respiratory health and air quality.

Common Sources of Indoor Allergens

If you’re an allergy sufferer, watch out for common indoor allergens like dust, pet dander, pollen, mould, and other air pollutants that love to hang out in different spots around your home. These sneaky allergens usually sneak in through open windows and doors, hitch a lift on your clothes or shoes, or get carried in by your furry friends.

Once these pesky particles make themselves at home, they settle on surfaces like carpets, upholstery, and bedding, ensuring that allergy folks like you get constant exposure. And let’s face it: exposure can trigger all sorts of symptoms, from sneezing and coughing to watery eyes and even more severe reactions in some cases.

You must be on top of things to give those allergens the boot and boost indoor air quality. Get into the habit of regular cleaning, ensure your place is well-ventilated, consider using air purifiers, and monitor those humidity levels. It’s all about minimising your exposure and creating a healthier environment for yourself.

Cleaning Techniques for Allergy Sufferers

When you have allergies, it’s crucial to use cleaning techniques that help minimise your exposure to allergens. Choosing the right cleaning products and opting for hypoallergenic cleaning solutions can improve your regular cleaning.

Creating a Cleaning Plan

Creating a cleaning plan is key to reducing allergens in your home. This plan helps you stay on track with regular cleaning tasks like dusting and vacuuming, ensuring you tackle those pesky allergens systematically.

For your daily routine, wipe down worktops, wash the dishes, and make the bed. These simple tasks help keep your living space looking neat and tidy. Regarding your weekly cleaning tasks, focus on mopping floors, cleaning bathrooms, and changing bed linens to prevent dust and allergen build-up.

Remember those monthly deep-cleaning tasks, such as cleaning windows, hoovering carpets, and tidying wardrobes. These tasks go a long way toward maintaining a healthier indoor environment. By sticking to a cleaning timetable, you reduce allergens and enhance your home’s overall cleanliness and comfort. This promotes well-being and creates a cosy, welcoming atmosphere for you and your family.

Using Non-Toxic Cleaning Products

To avoid those pesky allergic reactions, using non-toxic cleaning products and hypoallergenic cleaning solutions is crucial for you as an allergy sufferer. At the same time, you keep your home spick and span.

These natural alternatives are super gentle on your skin and respiratory system, perfect if you’re sensitive to harsh chemicals. Using non-toxic options like vinegar, baking soda, and essential oils, you can eliminate dirt and germs without worrying about messing up indoor air quality.

Hypoallergenic cleaners, especially those without fragrances and dyes, are made to lower the chances of allergic reactions. They’re an excellent choice for folks prone to allergies or asthma. Switching over to non-toxic and hypoallergenic cleaning products isn’t just good for your health but helps create a safer space for you and the planet.

A man coughing at home

Targeted Areas for Allergen Removal

To remove allergens in your home, you’ll want to focus on specific areas, such as the bedroom, kitchen, and bathroom. These spots can hide pesky allergens like dust mites, mould, and pet dander. Using targeted cleaning strategies in these areas is essential to ensure your living environment is healthier.


Your bedroom is a hotspot for allergens, with dust mites and other sneaky triggers hiding in your bedding, mattress, and carpets. To keep those pesky allergens at bay, use mattress covers, wash your bedding regularly, and consider switching to hypoallergenic bedding and air purifiers.

Investing in quality mattress covers is a clever move to act as a shield between you and any potential allergens lurking in your mattress. Look for covers specially made to block out dust mites and allergens. Don’t forget to wash your bedding every week in hot water above 130°F to kiss those allergens goodbye.

When choosing bedding, opt for hypoallergenic materials like bamboo or silk that are less likely to trigger your allergies. Adding an air purifier to your bedroom can improve air quality by capturing those airborne allergens. Your sinuses will thank you!


To allergy-proof your kitchen and improve indoor air quality, you need to control mould and maintain good ventilation. To prevent mould from taking over, regularly clean appliances like the fridge, oven, and microwave. Also, wipe down worktops, sink areas, and cupboards with warm water and mild detergent.

Focus on damp spots, like around the sink and near the cooker. Remember to use the kitchen extractor fan while you cook to keep the air moving and prevent moisture build-up. These simple cleaning tips are crucial to creating a healthy, mould-free kitchen environment.


Mould and allergens love to hang out in your bathroom, so it’s important to know some cleaning tips and use non-toxic products to keep them at bay and your air quality top-notch.

To tackle mould in your bathroom, get into the habit of cleaning it once a week. Scrubbing down surfaces like tiles, grout, and shower curtains with vinegar and water can help stop mould from taking over. Ensure your bathroom gets good airflow by using extractor fans or opening a window while you shower to reduce moisture. Don’t forget to dust and vacuum regularly to keep allergens in check. When choosing cleaning products, opt for those with natural ingredients like lemon, vinegar, or bicarbonate of soda. They’ll get the job done without any harsh chemicals that can exacerbate allergies.

Preventing Allergens from Entering the Home

To maintain good air quality and reduce exposure to allergens like pollen, you should take a proactive approach by keeping allergens out of your home. This means improving ventilation and using allergen avoidance techniques.

Outdoor Cleaning Tips

Outdoor cleaning tips are crucial for controlling allergens in your home. By keeping areas like patios, entryways, and windows free from pollen and dust, you can significantly reduce allergens entering your living space.

To tackle this, regularly sweep and hose down outdoor areas to eliminate any built-up pollen and dust that lingers on surfaces. A HEPA filter on your vacuum can also help trap indoor allergens effectively.

Don’t forget to trim back bushes and trees near your entry points to minimise pollen sources close to your home. And be sure to wash your outdoor mats often to stop them from turning into a breeding ground for allergens.

These simple tasks don’t take much time but can make a big difference in creating a healthier indoor environment for you and your family.

Managing Pets and Allergens

Managing your pets and allergens is crucial if you’re an allergy sufferer. Pet dander can be a major trigger, so following specific cleaning tips and considering hypoallergenic pet care solutions is essential.

If you want to reduce the amount of loose hair and dander around your home, try grooming your pets regularly by brushing their fur. It can make a big difference. Don’t forget to vacuum your carpets and upholstery often to eliminate accumulated pet hair and dander – it’s key to keeping a clean environment. Washing your pet’s bedding and blankets in hot water can also help eliminate allergens. And hey, using hypoallergenic pet shampoos and wipes can be a game-changer in reducing allergens on your pet’s fur and skin, giving you less exposure to potential triggers.

Home care

Home Mattress Care – How to Keep Our Sleep Environment Clean, Fresh And Healthy?

Posted by Paul Withers on

Humidity in Bed

Making the bed every morning as soon as we get up is a habit from our childhood and maintains homes properly every day.

Researches in the last years disclose that it is not so suitable for the mattress because an essential part of body processes occur during the night sleep. They are linked with water lost, and bedsheets need for fresh air because of the formed vapours while we are asleep. Diligent people who prefer making the bed in mornings risk to allow the moisture to trap deeply in the mattress which could be perfect soil for dust mites and plenty other pathogens we breathe and touch.

To improve your sleep environment and bedding cleanliness, try to turn back the duvet. That simple change in a conventional way for bed-making will ensure more fresh air in bed, and built humidity can quickly evaporate. The process of regular sweating at night can be a sign of health disbalance, and we must regulate it through open windows, comfortable temperatures, suitable textile materials, and ideal air conditions. Humidity in bedrooms is harmful to the quality of the night’s sleep and the way we feel during the whole day.

Bed-linens washing

Regular bedding washing is a significant part of proper home maintenance. It must occur at least once a week and even more during the hot season. Do not allow bacteria to take up residence in the mattress. Make twice a week an overall changing of sheets and duvet covering with high-temperature washing to kill pathogens.


A protector could be a great option to defend mattress status and freshness in-depth. You can wash such sheet every month to keep it in superior shape, following all of the recommendations in label.


We cannot imagine the awful invisible mess that the human body produces-a mixture of dust, dead skin, acari and bacteria. Vacuuming is essential, and you can apply it once a month. Experts recommend a low suction setting as the most efficient in that case. Use also upholstery attachment to make a thorough grime removal. Be careful with pipings, nooks and crannies along the mattress surface; they need special attention.

According to some of the manufacturers, it would be possible to damage the structure and to dislodge mattress filling through the process of vacuuming.

Stain removal

Another typical problem can be spills and stains. The immediate reaction is quite necessary to protect the mattress from damage and permanent colouration. What can we do in such unexpected spill accidents?

At first, it’s better to stand up the mattress, if possible. Treat the dirty area with a clean cloth, soaked into cold water, taking care not to wet it a lot. Then apply with dry microfiber and repeat the procedure with a suitable spot cleaner. These products, which are for carpets and upholstery cleaning, should be a proper solution. Sponge, and finally, the treated zone with clean water to rinse.

Most experts advice to rely on aa mild soapy solution while we are striving to get rid of stains on the mattress. Creamy foam is not the right choice. Allow it to dry in a well-ventilated room or outside.

Please, pay attention to bed cleanliness, and protect it from accidents and damage too. Food and drinks in bed could be romantic and relaxing, but with unpleasant consequences. Be sure it is protected enough and supported thoroughly.

Fresh Air and Sunlight

Use sunny and dry days to open windows and let the lights disinfect and refreshen the mattress. Strip it and let it sit for several hours to one full day. That helps excess humidity disappear and reduces the number of acari in the textile.


Please, do not underestimate the importance of complete drying after washing. Avoid harsh products to protect the product material. It is not a challenge to eliminate strong fragrances from home chores. That is essential, especially when it comes to bedrooms. A pure dwelling should smell like nothing. Too many aromas cannot refresh indoor space but can cause you health problems, asthma, and allergies.

Rotating/Turning Mattresses

No matter the type of mattress, the benefits from its regular turning/rotating are a lot. That smart trick is to promote more even wear, avoiding depression and softening. Besides that, when someone is jumping on it, the mattress is prone to damage and quick tear and wear.

Cleaning directions

Cleaning directions on the label are among the significant factors for its long lifespan. To notice and follow them sometimes could be a vital habit. Usually, manufacturers’ recommendations and warnings can help you to keep your home possession adequately, but not only. You would be aware of some of the best practices for mattress maintenance, which can ensure your healthy sleep, comfortable, relaxation and good home investment.

Home care

How To Get Through A Bad Day At Work?

Posted by Paul Withers on

Last week I had a quick visit from my nephew, Paul. He is a very bright young man and a nice kid to talk to. He is also very hardworking and efficient – in his own way. I found out Paul achieved one of his long-time ambitions by working from home, with no boss to hover over his head or a regular timetable. “Sometimes I would get up and know – nope, today is not my day to be productive, and call it off. Other times I would grind the hardest during the weekend or on some official holiday. The freedom to pick my spots and determine my schedule is worth more than almost any salary!”

“Good for the kid!”, I thought to myself with somewhat of parental pride. I always knew he would do good for himself. How cool would that be – to call your own number whenever you like it. You know what I mean: sometimes it seems like the world is conspiring against you – the car doesn’t want to start in the morning, your teenage kids are extra grumpy, or you just didn’t sleep well. And yet, you have to go to work because some appointments would not wait, or because you have customers to attend to. So how do you do it?

I have been in the cleaning industry for too long to know that you cannot be at 100% every single day. I have also found some tricks to help me get by the toughest days, and I believe that can be of tremendous help to more inexperienced cleaners. A quick reminder before I launch – I am not talking about health issues. If you are under the weather, stay at home or go to the doctor, but do not try to be the brave soldier – first, you are only risking to get worse, and second – you are not doing a particularly good job when you are sick.

Now that we have cleared that out of the way let’s get down to business. The first tip I have is to manipulate your daily schedule (if possible) so that you finish the toughest tasks first, while you still have more energy. Do not procrastinate, hoping things to get better as the day progresses – it usually gets worse. Most people are more efficient in the morning, so pick the most time and energy-consuming appointments before lunch and leave the office tasks for the end of the day, for example.

If you work within a team and have the opportunity to delegate some appointments to your colleagues, do not hesitate to do it. After all, that is the whole point in having someone who can cover your back. You know your customers better than anyone else, and understand that some people are more prickly, more demanding, and require more attention. It would be a terrible idea to go to such an appointment bringing your emotional or negative baggage with you. As a final step, I would even advise you to try and reschedule – ten positive visits can quickly be undone by a single negative one, do not forget that.

I wouldn’t take on new customers either if I had a bad day, for several reasons. You know the old cliche “you only have one chance to make a good first impression” – you can hardly do it if you moan and groan inside about your bad luck. In the cleaning industry, this is particularly true, because you have to be on top of your game especially during the first visit when you get to know the property and the person better, have to pay attention to the tiniest of details and should not allow anything to disturb your concentration. Besides, I can always sense if the person I talk to is in a positive state of mind – I would imagine the opposite to be accurate as well.

Up until now, I concentrated mainly on the things you should avoid. Let’s mention a few things you should seek if you are having a bad day – again, if you are in the position to manipulate your schedule. I have found out that the outdoor cleaning tasks like window polishing, gutter cleaning or some pressure washing job help clear my head. We have become such indoor animals these days that we sometimes forget how good it feels to get outside, even in the urban environment.

Another option would be to take on some sort of a cleaning task that relies more on equipment than your skill. Take for example large-scale office or industrial floor cleaning – you just ride the cleaning machine and let it do all the hard work while you consider the vagaries of modern existence.

And last but not least – some big sanitary task that requires a crew of colleagues. Nothing erases the negative thoughts of the day like a tough hygienic battle with your band of brothers. A large three-bedroom end of tenancy cleaning with a three-hour deadline sounds precisely like what the doctor ordered for your bad mood.

What about you? How do you deal with the bad days that never want to go away?


Tips To Get Your Spring Cleaning Going

Posted by Paul Withers on

Unlike all GoT fans who feverishly expect the approaching Season 8 with the legendary mantra “Winter is coming”, as a realist and a practical housewife you know that winter is leaving. You know what this means – you better start planning your spring cleaning before it is already summer. Here are three quick tips to get you going:

  1. Do not improvise. Make a list of the chores you want to take care of, starting with the top sanitary priorities. You have two possible options – to separate the hygienic tasks by type (i.e. dusting, polishing, vacuum cleaning, reorganising the home, waste disposal, scrubbing, etc.) or by room (I usually start in the living room and then move clockwise across the other areas).
  2. Do not procrastinate. The quicker you do it, the better. I know spring cleaning takes up a sizeable portion of your time, but the freshness and perfect order, once you finish, is well worth it.
  3. Do not try to do the whole thing in a single day. If you live in a bigger house and you plan to do it on your own, it is too much work for a single day. As I said, better do it room by room – it may take a while, but you will have much more energy left by the end of the whole process.

Or you can always call us to lend a helping hand – your choice!